Search results for “Kobuk Valley National Park”
Park Jean Lafitte National Historical Park & Preserve Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve includes six separate sites focused on the unique people, traditions and ecosystem of the bayou.
Park Horseshoe Bend National Military Park Horseshoe Bend National Military Park honors the spot where more than 800 Upper Creek Indians died fighting to keep their ancestral land, which eventually became the state of Alabama.
Park Hot Springs National Park Hot Springs National Park is a unique combination of urban and natural landscapes. The hot springs themselves are in the area known as Bathhouse Row in the heart of downtown Hot Springs, Arkansas, and visitors can still take a traditional bath in several of the bathhouses. Visitors can also hike on 26 miles of trails, camp near Gulpha Creek, or stroll the historic district and enjoy drinking from the water fountains that are fed by the natural springs.
Park Guadalupe Mountains National Park This wilderness area preserves the largest exposed fossil reef on Earth, showcasing remnants from an underwater world that existed 260 million years ago when this part of West Texas was covered by the sea. Visitors can explore the park’s striking mountains or hike a stream bed through the winding limestone walls of McKittrick Canyon, where deciduous trees and other vegetation stand in vibrant contrast with the surrounding desert.
Report Protecting Our Chesapeake, Protecting Our National Parks The Chesapeake Bay watershed is home to more than 50 national park units. Shenandoah National Park in Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains, Gettysburg National Military Park in Pennsylvania, and the C&O Canal National Historical Park along the Potomac River are just a few of the parks that share this common bond. Their streams and rivers, along with many others in the expansive watershed, ultimately flow into the Chesapeake Bay, which is recognized as one of America’s Great Waters.
Press Release Court Rules for Oil Refinery Over Clean Air Near Theodore Roosevelt National Park The proposed Davis Refinery will be the first newly constructed industrial crude oil refinery in the United States in nearly 40 years and poses a substantial threat to air quality in neighboring areas.
Press Release Plan to Deliver Clean Water to Everglades National Park Goes to Congress Everglades Reservoir plan must be included in Water Resources bill to provide much needed freshwater relief.
Press Release Court Ruling Continues the Saga to Protect Badger-Two Medicine Near Glacier National Park “Time does not erase the original error, and there is no statute of limitations for correcting this assault on lands sacred to the Blackfeet Nation” -- NPCA's Michael Jamison
Press Release Lease Sale Near Great Sand Dunes National Park Temporarily Delayed The Bureau of Land Management delayed the sale to allow for time to consult with Navajo Nation
Press Release California State Senate Leadership and Trump Administration Take Aim at California Desert Water and Parks The Department of Interior recently helped pave the way towards green-lighting the Cadiz Inc. water mining project, which threatens Mojave National Preserve and Mojave Trails National Monument. The memo followed decisions by California State Senate pro Tem Kevin de Leon and State Senator Ricardo Lara to block AB 1000 “California Desert Protection Act” from proceeding.
Press Release Parks Group Files Intent to Sue Over Endangered Species Act Violations at Historic Jamestown and James River New information reveals that federal agencies overlooked the presence of endangered juvenile Atlantic Sturgeon and Shortnose Sturgeon in the James River at Jamestown.
Press Release Court’s Order Sides with Parks Group, Another Positive Step Towards Protecting Historic Jamestown Today’s Court ruling makes clear that the Army Corps illegally approved Dominion Energy’s permit to build a massive transmission line across the James River.
Press Release Harbor Coalition Welcomes Sandy Recovery Funding to Repair Regional Parks Department of Interior Announces Plans for $475 Million in Sandy Recovery Funds
Magazine Article A (Driverless) Drive in the Park Yellowstone takes a leap into the future with autonomous shuttles.
Policy Update Position on S. 3172, Restore Our Parks Act NPCA submitted the following position to members of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee ahead of a markup scheduled for October 2, 2018.
Press Release National Park Service to Receive $90 Million Grant for Most Urgent Memorial Bridge Repairs $250 Million Estimated Needed to Complete Repairs
Press Release Parks Group Appeals Judge’s Ruling that Allows Construction of Dominion Transmission Line at Historic Jamestown NPCA continues to fight in court to protect one of our nation’s most historic regions.
Press Release Department of Interior Moves to Delist Grizzlies in and around Glacier National Park Transparent process and sound science needed.
Press Release Parks Group Calls on Court to Block Construction of Dominion Power Line at Jamestown until Case is Heard Group Takes Emergency Legal Action to Prevent Irreparable Damage at Historic Sites
Policy Update The Undoing Of Our Public Lands and National Parks President Trump and the officials he appointed systematically undermined, degraded and outright attacked the laws that protect our public lands, the agencies that manage them and the irreplaceable resources these places safeguard for the American people.
Press Release Everglades Coalition Focuses on Sending Water South to Everglades National Park at 30th Anniversary Conference 30th Annual Everglades Coalition Conference Kicks Off in Key Largo, FL.
Press Release Farm Bill Safeguards National Parks, Provides Funding for Conservation and Climate Change Programs The new farm bill is a major victory for conservation, wildlife, public lands and waters, and communities.
Press Release Senate Bill Will Help Protect National Parks Across the Country Full funding for Land and Water Conservation Fund restores decades long promise
Blog Post Remembering the Little-Known Battle at One of the Best-Preserved Civil War Parks One hundred and fifty years ago today, in the normally quiet and peaceful countryside just east of Pea Ridge, Arkansas, the largest Civil War battle west of the Mississippi River started.
Press Release National Parks Group Applauds Completed Phase One of C-111 Everglades Restoration Project Statement by NPCA Biscayne Restoration Program Analyst Kahlil Kettering
Press Release Parks Group Applauds Walmart's Decision to Withdraw Plans to Build a Superstore on Wilderness Battlefield Statement by NPCA President Tom Kiernan
Press Release California Governor Newsom Signs Bill to Protect Desert Water, Wildlife and Parks SB307 requires state environmental review of Cadiz Inc. and desert water mining proposals
Blog Post The Park That Made COVID Testing Possible A bacterial discovery at Yellowstone 55 years ago has been key to the development of PCR testing, the most reliable way to know whether someone has COVID-19.
Press Release National Parks Conservation Association Applauds Walmart's Decision to Protect Wilderness Battlefield Statement by NPCA President Tom Kiernan
Press Release Parks Group Applauds Approval of River of Grass Land Deal to Restore America's Everglades Land acquisition under deal will help restore water flow and quality
Press Release Oil and Gas Development Delayed Near Carlsbad Caverns National Park Bureau of Land Management temporarily deferred lease sales to study the local geology and its interaction with groundwater
Blog Post One Park's Horrific Past A century ago, a site with Native American earthen mounds became a hotspot of the Spanish flu pandemic.
Press Release Administration announces public comment extension for oil and gas drilling plan near Chaco Culture National Historical Park After extensive outcry, Bureau of Land Management acknowledges that plans to open up public land near Chaco for oil and gas drilling cannot continue as normal during a pandemic
Press Release Tribal and National Parks Groups File Lawsuit to Defend Mojave Desert Sacred Lands, Wildlife and Water from Cadiz Lawsuit challenges a fast-tracked decision in the final days of the Trump administration that threatens Mojave National Preserve and a deeply sacred cultural landscape for California Tribes.
Blog Post When Will It Be Safe for National Parks to Reopen? A roadmap with NPCA's recommendations for when we can return to some of our country’s most beloved places.
Fact Sheet Protecting National Park Landscapes in the Chesapeake Restoring Chesapeake landscapes means protecting our lands, air, and waters.
Report Power Plants in the Four Corners Region Map of national parks and power plants in the Four Corners region
Staff Shanya Purushothaman Shanya joined NPCA in May 2019. As Associate Director of Foundation Relations, Shanya focuses on implementing development strategy, grant writing and deepening donor relationships to support our wonderful national parks.
Staff Jennifer Errick Jennifer co-produces NPCA's podcast, The Secret Lives of Parks, and writes, edits and moderates online content.
Staff and Government Affairs Chad Lord Chad Lord serves as the Senior Director for NPCA's Waters program. The program focuses on protecting and restoring America’s greatest natural treasures--large-scale aquatic ecosystems--surrounding national parks.
Letter Comments on Cross State Air Pollution Rule On behalf of the National Parks Conservation Association, Sierra Club, Altahama Riverkeeper, Appalachian Mountain Club, Environmental Law & Policy Center, Fall-line Alliance for a Clean Environment, Friends of the Chattahoochee, GreenLaw, Midwest Environmental Defense Center, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, Natural Resources Defense Council, Ogeechee Riverkeeper, Respiratory Health Association of Metropolitan Chicago, Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, Southern Environmental Law Center, and Wiregrass Energy Network,
Report Pathways To Prosperity: The Natural Roots of Economic Success in the Crown of the Continent The stories in this report point to the Crown’s spectacular wildlife, its scenic appeal, and its unmatched outdoor recreation as anchors to which our economic success is tethered.
Staff John Adornato John joined NPCA in February 2002 in the Sun Coast Region and in 2018 became the Deputy Vice President of Regional Operations out of DC. In this role, he helps manage NPCA’s regional programs, which encompass over 55 staff in eleven regions across the country.
Staff Edward Stierli Ed serves as Senior Director in the Mid-Atlantic region, overseeing NPCA’s activities in five states and the District of Columbia.
Park Honouliuli National Historic Site Located on the island of Oahu, Honouliuli was one of 17 incarceration camps in Hawaii where innocent civilians were imprisoned during World War II.