Search results for “Grand Canyon National Park”
Letter Opposition to Legislative Proposals at Cape Hatteras, Yellowstone, and Grand Teton NPCA urges Members of the House to Oppose H.R. 2954 when it comes to the House floor tomorrow. Specifically, NPCA opposes provisions to remove protections at Cape Hatteras National Seashore (Title V) and Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks (Title VII).
Park North Cascades National Park North Cascades National Park Service Complex encompasses 684,000 acres of wilderness, trails and rivers, as well as Ross Lake and Lake Chelan National Recreation Areas. In this vast terrain are jagged mountains, hundreds of glaciers and old-growth forests that have never been cut, with large, magnificent trees and tiered canopies of fir, hemlock and cedar. The snowy winters at this park produce stunning waterfalls in the spring — a phenomenon that is so beloved, the Cascade Range is named for them.
Park Piscataway Park Protecting the view from George Washington's home across the river at Mount Vernon, Piscataway Park offers visitors walks along the Potomac River across freshwater tidal wetlands and on forested trails, and the opportunity to view remarkable wildlife including beavers and American bald eagles.
Park New Bedford Whaling National Historical Park New Bedford Whaling National Historical Park includes the world's largest museum to whaling, and the historic streets, homes, and chapel that inspired Moby Dick.
Park Natchez National Historical Park From the antebellum estate of John McMurran, to the downtown home of African American barber and diarist William Johnson, to the French Fort Rosalie, the Mississippi River town of Natchez has lent itself to opportunity.
Fact Sheet Support National Park Funding in FY16 Next year’s 100th anniversary of the National Park System provides an exciting and historic opportunity to ensure our national parks have the resources they need to thrive in their second century and beyond. The centennial should catalyze a revitalized commitment to protect America’s most special places, as we saw with a renewed investment on the System’s 50th anniversary. The National Park Service is entrusted with these treasured sites, but it is Congress that is entrusted with making sure they will last.
Policy Update NPCA letter of support for the nomination of Charles F. Sams III to be Director of the National Park Service NPCA sent the following letter to the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee ahead of a hearing scheduled for October 19th, 2021.
Press Release Court Allows Weak Park Air Protection Rule to Stand Decision protects rule exempting cleanup of outdated power plants.
Press Release Dirk Kempthorne Joins Board of National Parks Conservation Association NPCA welcomes former Interior Secretary to Board of Trustees
Press Release Parks Group Celebrates Bill Promoting Public Lands, Outdoor Spaces for Veteran’s Health and Wellness This bill ensures millions of veterans and their families will get the resources they need to heal and benefit from America’s outdoor spaces.
Blog Post Got Milkweed? Crowdfunding Creates a Butterfly Effect for National Parks An innovative new website helps people help the causes they care about.
Press Release New Study: Creation of Ocmulgee National Park and Preserve Would Bring Economic Growth to Middle Georgia Analysis commissioned by NPCA and Knight Foundation highlights economic benefits of enhanced designation for Ocmulgee National Monument and river corridor
Press Release Trump’s Interior Nominee Needs to Protect Parks Positions on Development Could Threaten Public Lands
Blog Post What's Next for Parks? The work to protect our public lands doesn’t stop as the ballots are counted. Here’s what NPCA staff are focused on as we sort through the post-election landscape.
Press Release EPA's Proposed Texas Haze Plan Will Keep Air Across Our National Parks Hazy Proposed EPA Haze Plan fails to require modern pollution controls on Texas Coal plants
Blog Post NPCA Urges Congress to Avoid Across-the-Board Budget Cuts to National Parks NPCA and other public interest groups concerned about the impact of looming budget cuts to federal programs delivered a letter to Congress and the Obama administration last week urging decision-makers to avert sequestration—the steep mandatory budget cuts that will go into effect this January if lawmakers do not act to prevent them.
Press Release Legislation Introduced to Establish the First National Park Site to Honor a Jewish American and Preserve Julius Rosenwald’s Legacy Julius Rosenwald's legacy and the thousands of schoolhouses he helped construct are an important part of our country’s history, and must never be forgotten.
Press Release National Parks Conservation Association views Utah Public Lands Initiative as a Missed Opportunity Representatives Rob Bishop and Jason Chaffetz released their draft legislation known as the Utah Public Lands Initiative. NPCA’s goals include protecting and conserving the larger shared landscape, while allowing for recreational opportunities, appropriate development, and robust economies. Unfortunately, the current draft does not meet such objectives.
Blog Post Moving Forward for Our Parks In times of change, we can find solace and inspiration in the places that bring us together.
Press Release New Mexico Park Advocate Awarded Quivira Coalition’s Radical Center Award for Conservation NPCA's Ernie Atencio cited for his many years of conservation work and respected compendium of published writings.
Press Release National Parks Group Applauds Unprecedented Effort to Revitalize Gateway National Recreation Area New York City Mayor Bloomberg and Interior Secretary Salazar create partnership to enhance visitor experience at Gateway in New York City
Press Release Secretary Zinke Expected to Sign Off On Another Year of Every Kid in a Park Program Passes for the upcoming school year will be available starting on September 1, 2018.
Press Release Delaying Methane Waste Rule Threatens National Parks Continued pollution degrades air quality, wastes taxpayer dollars.
Press Release House Takes Stand to Protect National Parks and Coastal Communities from Offshore Drilling Today, members of the U.S. House of Representatives showed their commitment to defending America’s public lands and waters.
Press Release Congress Moves to Limit Methane Waste; Protect Park Air and Visitor Health Senate votes to protect a commonsense policy created to protect taxpayers from the unnecessary waste of natural gas from federal lands
Press Release National Parks Group Applauds Mayor Bloomberg and Interior Secretary Salazar's Efforts to Advance Vision for Gateway National Recreation Area Statement by NPCA Senior Regional Director Alexander Brash
Press Release Transportation Funds Should be Used to Address Maintenance Backlog and Crumbling Roads and Bridges in America's National Parks Statement by NPCA's Senior Vice President of Government Affairs Craig Obey
Press Release Congress Again Moves to Dismantle Clean Water Protections for Parks House of Representatives votes for two bills that undo efforts to strengthen clean water protections
Press Release National Parks Conservation Association Welcomes New Director to Head New York City Office Cortney Worrall to serve as Northeast senior regional director
Press Release National Parks Conservation Association Welcomes Jim Adams to Lead Alaska Regional Office Jim Adams brings 20 years of conservation experience to NPCA as new Alaska Regional Director
Blog Post The Park Service Should Not Be Forced to Support Alaska’s War on Bears Objectionable and unsportsmanlike hunting practices have no place in our national preserves
Press Release Blackwell One Step Closer to Becoming National Park Site The experiences, hardships and triumphs of Mexican American students at this segregated school in West Texas have so much to teach us.
Press Release Smog Standard Too Weak to Protect Parks and Forests, Court Rules Court Upholds Health Standard, Rejects Polluters’ Claims That Standards Are Too Protective
Press Release Parks Group Urges Better Protection for Addition Lands within Big Cypress National Preserve Statement by NPCA Sun Coast Regional Director John Adornato III
Blog Post The Border Wall Is Destroying What This Park Was Created to Protect A firsthand account of the devastation at Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument in Arizona.
Press Release Park Service Paves Way for Oil, Gas Drilling in Big Cypress National Preserve Plans Would Disrupt 70,000 Acres of Fragile Wetlands, Forest
Letter Best Available Retrofit Technology at the Cholla Power Plant On behalf of National Parks Conservation Association and Sierra Club, Earthjustice respectfully submits the following comments regarding the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality’s (ADEQ) proposed Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) “reassessment” for the Cholla Power Plant.
Testimony Support for FY15 Appropriated Funding Statement of John Garder, Director, Budget and Appropriations, National Parks Conservation Association before the Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment and Related Agencies, April 11, 2014
Staff Melissa Abdo, Ph.D. As Regional Director overseeing national park & preserve protection efforts from Louisiana and Florida to Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, Melissa leads NPCA's work across the Sun Coast.
Staff Dan Bailey Dan manages NPCA’s conservation campaigns focusing on Yellowstone National Park and the surrounding Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE).
Amy Leinbach Marquis Amy Leinbach Marquis is former associate editor at National Parks magazine.
Park North Country National Scenic Trail The longest point-to-point trail in the National Park System is the North Country Trail—or will be, when the trail is officially complete. The planned route will measure 4,600 miles from North Dakota to upstate New York, traveling through the Great Lakes region and highlighting the natural features and cultural history of the North Country region.
Report Virginians for Healthy Air Newsletter Virginians for Healthy Air is a network of Virginia businesses, civic groups, and nonprofit organizations that share the vision of healthy air for the Commonwealth and for Virginia’s national parks, including Shenandoah.
Cassie Gogreve Cassie Gogreve a native Angeleno and urban planner, she enjoys any opportunity to get outside and catch a glimpse of the iconic San Gabriel Mountains.
Matt Brass MATT BRASS resides in Knoxville, Tennessee, with his wife, Larisa, and their seven children. He works as a creative director for an ad agency specializing in sustainability and the environment.