Search results for “Crater Lake National Park”
Park Badlands National Park This park's sharply textured rock formations share a 244,000-acre landscape with the largest protected mixed-grass prairie in the United States.
Park Arches National Park With more than 2,000 natural stone arches, this landmark park offers more of these distinctive rock formations than anywhere else in the world. Wind and water, extreme temperatures, and a shifting underground salt bed sculpted the red rock over time into the area's spectacular and often delicate shapes. These arches can be large and impressive like the famous Delicate Arch, or just slivers in the sandstone.
Park Ste. Geneviève National Historical Park Established in the mid-1700s, Ste. Genevieve was the first settlement on the west bank of the Mississippi River and is the only surviving French Colonial village in the U.S.
Report Strategies to Increase National Park Funding Funding and national park experts have drafted 16 papers outlining strategies that could be employed to increase non-appropriated funding for the national parks.
Park Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area centers on the lake created by Grand Coulee Dam on the Columbia River. Boat, swim, fish, camp, hike, and learn about the American Indians who've lived here for 9,000 years.
Press Release Parks Group Stands Up for National Monuments NPCA joins more than 450 groups in support of Antiquities Act
Report National Park Visitor Spending Effects This economic effects analysis measures how NPS visitor spending cycles through local economies, generating business sales and supporting jobs and income.
Press Release Parks Group Condemns Violent Assault on US Capitol The rioters did not win. President Trump did not win. In fact, our commitment to our democracy is even more resolute.
Press Release Administration Launches Latest Attack on Endangered National Park Wildlife The rule essentially hands the keys to critical habitat protection for America’s threatened and endangered species over to industry.
Magazine Article Your Park Stories These lands are your lands; these tales are your tales.
Press Release Parks Group Opposes Efforts to Dismantle Antiquities Act Proposed bills would diminish the President’s authority to protect public lands
Press Release Legal Settlement Allows National Park Marine Wilderness Restoration to Begin in Point Reyes National Seashore Settlement agreement protects the West Coast’s first marine wilderness at Drakes Estero
Blog Post Restoring Land to Protect Joshua Tree National Park What are the ingredients for a successful restoration event?
Blog Post View a 'Ring of Fire' from National Parks This Sunday Annular eclipse to brighten night-sky viewing in the West this weekend
Blog Post Could Space Exploration Harm National Parks? Two proposed new spaceport sites are alarmingly close to national seashores in Florida and Georgia. If approved, rocket launches from these sites could cause serious harm to protected lands.
Blog Post New National Park Site Showcases Women's Fight for Right to Vote The Belmont-Paul Women’s Equality National Monument preserves decades of passionate work in the struggle for suffrage and gender equality. Here's a peek at some of this colorful history.
Blog Post The Country’s Smallest National Park Site A memorial in downtown Philadelphia preserves epic tales of war and freedom in just 0.02 acres of space.
Magazine Article On the Road Take a drive through the national parks of Oregon & California and witness a land of extremes.
Magazine Article Out of the Wild A life-changing summer among the bears of Lake Clark National Park and Preserve.
Press Release EPA Abandons Science, Clears Way for Pebble Mine near Alaska’s Bristol Bay "The Trump Administration is putting America last in making it easier for a foreign mining company to endanger the world’s greatest wild salmon fishery and the iconic brown bears of Katmai and Lake Clark National Parks” -- NPCA's Jim Adams.
Blog Post An Overdue Dose of Wilderness Earlier this month, Congress passed the first bill designating a new wilderness area in five years—the longest lapse ever between such designations. The bill specifically protects 32,500 acres at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, a national park site in Michigan famous for its immense sand dunes and bluffs, as well as its beaches, forests, and inland lakes on the southeastern shore of Lake Michigan.
Blog Post A Different Kind of Service Veterans continue to serve their country — in some cases taking strides to overcome post-traumatic stress disorder, gaining new skills and adjusting to civilian life — through innovative programs in our national parks.
Blog Post Focus on Water: Celebrating the Clean Water Act’s 40th Anniversary Forty years ago today, Congress overrode a veto from President Nixon to officially make the Clean Water Act the nation’s law for protecting one of our most precious and irreplaceable resources. This landmark legislation is the reason why we are able to enjoy the many activities that we do today on our rivers, streams, and lakes, including those in and around our national parks.
Magazine Article A Shoreline Rescue The National Park Service fights to bring Great Lakes’ piping plovers back from the brink.
Blog Post Feeling the Heat The American pika is highly sensitive to rising temperatures, and climate change threatens its very survival. Park researchers in the West are studying the effects warming is having on this vulnerable park species.
Magazine Article Astronauts on Planet Earth Following in the footsteps of an early adventurer, an intrepid group explores the surreal landscape at Craters of the Moon National Monument.
Blog Post 7 Dream Destinations Worth Planning For The pandemic is restricting travel for many people — but extra time stuck at home now could mean more extensive preparation for an epic park adventure when conditions are safe again.
Blog Post Urban Stargazing: See More of the Universe at Night Longer nights and clearer skies during winter make it an ideal season for stargazing, and fortunately, some national parks offer dark skies near major urban areas.
Policy Update Position on S. 145, S. 146, S. 329, S. 403, S. 521, S. 610, S. 782, S. 873, and S. 1483 NPCA submitted the following positions on legislation considered by the Senate National Parks subcommittee on June 10, 2015.
Blog Post Trump Infrastructure Proposal Could Devastate Public Lands NPCA outlines 5 of the most dangerous elements in the Trump administration’s infrastructure proposal and examples of how they could affect national parks.
Blog Post Staff Picks: 11 Spectacular Roads for Riding Your Bike From leisurely rides to challenging climbs, national parks offer riding opportunities for cyclists of all abilities. Check out top recommendations and advice from NPCA enthusiasts on where to go and what to see.
Blog Post Florida Ups the Ante in Everglades Restoration with $90 Million Funding Surprise Disastrous flooding in South Florida is making the news again as water from Lake Okeechobee overflows and is released through the St. Lucie and Caloosahatchee estuaries. Unfortunately, this is something that we see all too often in the region—the water that should naturally flow south from Lake Okeechobee is trapped by man-made barriers and confined to canals after heavy rains. This massive influx of highly polluted freshwater is destroying coastal estuaries and endangering public health, Florida’s economy, and the Everglades.
Blog Post 5 Lessons, Countless Memories This dad took his two kids on a six-week adventure to national parks around the country—and learned a lot along the way.
Policy Update Position on S. 145, S. 146, S. 329, S. 403, S. 521, S. 610, S. 873, and S. 1483 NPCA submitted the following positions on legislation considered by the Senate Energy and Natural Resources National Parks subcommittee on June 10, 2015.
Press Release Victory! Army Corps Rejects Disastrous Pebble Mine near Alaska’s Bristol Bay “Today’s decision smartly prioritizes the long-term health of people, national parks and wildlife including the world’s largest salmon run, over international mining interests" -- NPCA's Theresa Pierno
Press Release Trump Administration Advances Disastrous Pebble Mine Near Bristol Bay This dangerous gamble favors international mining interests over people, parks and Bristol Bay’s salmon run and the billion-dollar Bristol Bay fisheries it sustains.
Park Arlington House, The Robert E. Lee Memorial Arlington House, located on a high hill within Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia, is one of many national park sites along the George Washington Memorial Parkway. Built by George Washington Parke Custis between 1802 and 1818 to serve as a memorial to his step-grandfather, George Washington, the house is now associated more with the man who married into the family and lived there for 30 years — Civil War General Robert E. Lee.
Staff Melissa Abdo, Ph.D. As Regional Director overseeing national park & preserve protection efforts from Louisiana and Florida to Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, Melissa leads NPCA's work across the Sun Coast.
Report NPCA Milestones We thank you and reflect on the many milestones and victories made possible by the support of park philanthropists like you.
Staff Rachel Kenigsberg In her role as Associate General Counsel, Rachel manages litigation on behalf of NPCA to support and protect national parks and also provides general legal counsel to the organization.
Staff Larissa Walker As the Director of Outreach and Engagement, Larissa works to advance NPCA’s goal of engaging large and diverse communities to build a strong base of national park advocates. She works closely with NPCA’s regional staff across the country on advocacy efforts and oversees NPCA’s veterans program and the Next Generation Advisory Council.
Staff Mary O'Connor As Senior Vice President of Development, Mary leads NPCA's strategic vision to grow and achieve our mission of protecting and advocating for national parks, connecting our work to audiences and empowering individuals to reach their own philanthropic goals.
Letter Position on Colorado National Monument Draft Bill NPCA’s position on a proposed citizens draft bill to elevate the venerable Colorado National Monument in Grand Junction to national park status.
Fact Sheet Support for the Chesapeake "Clean Water Blueprint" In April 2014, NPCA and others filed an amicus curiae, or "friend of the court," brief in support of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the "Clean Water Blueprint" for the Chesapeake. An appeal filed in October 2013 threatens progress to improve water quality in the Chesapeake, and limits the ability of the EPA, states, and stakeholders in every region to work together collaboratively to reduce polluted storm water runoff in streams, lakes, and rivers.
Staff Betsy Buffington Betsy Buffington, a longtime conservation partner and ally, is regional director of the Northern Rockies Regional Office, overseeing our work in Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota and Idaho.