Search results for “Ninety Six National Historic Site”
Park Ninety Six National Historic Site Originally a geographical term, traders out of Charleston, South Carolina thought that this stopping place was 96 miles from the Cherokee town of Keowee in the Blue Ridge Foothills. The first land battle of the Revolutionary War fought south of New England took place at Ninety Six in 1775.
Park Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site Sacagawea, the Indian guide, joined the Lewis and Clark expedition from her home in the Knife River Indian Villages. This historic site celebrates the culture and tradition of the Northern Plains Indians.
Park Russell Cave National Monument Russell Cave National Monument marks the site of a cave that sheltered native people for 10,000 years. See spear points and pottery excavated from the cave and hike a nature trail up Montague Mountain.
Park Morristown National Historical Park This park preserves the winter camp site where George Washington stationed his troops during the Revolutionary War in 1779-1780. During these difficult months, the Continental Army became a symbol of patriotism and sacrifice; living in drafty wooden huts, these underfed and undersupplied men survived what was then the coldest winter on record, growing through countless hardships into a disciplined military force. Under Washington’s command, these troops eventually won the country's independence from the British.
Park Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park This park presents a thorough portrait of the strong-willed Texan who served in both houses of Congress before leading the country as president. This park encompasses the Hill Country home site that has been in the Johnson family since the 1860s as well as the ranch where the president is buried. Learn about President Johnson’s controversial role in escalating the Vietnam War and his celebrated “Great Society” legislation which expanded civil rights protections, national health care, and environmental laws. See his childhood bed, his clothes, his collection of rare automobiles, the one-room school he attended, and a wealth of other historic items.
Blog Post 7 Facts About the Trump Administration’s Illegal Attack on National Monuments President Trump issued two proclamations to remove federal protections from roughly 2 million acres in Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments — the largest reduction of public lands protections in U.S. history.
Magazine Article The Loneliest Land In 1888, writer Mary Hunter Austin began exploring the desert. Her love of the blunt, burned land of little rain led to a book, a career, and an environmental legacy.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 3480 and H.R. 4202 NPCA submitted the following positions on legislation being considered by the House Committee on Natural Resources Federal Lands Subcommittee during a hearing on May 24, 2016.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 925, H.R. 1487, H.R. 1492, H.R. 3115 & H.R. 3541 NPCA submitted the following positions to members of the House Natural Resources Committee ahead of a markup scheduled for September 25, 2019.
Press Release President to Designate National Park at Pullman, Marking America's Labor and Civil Rights Movement Statement by Lynn McClure, Midwest Senior Director, NPCA
Magazine Article The Price of a Feather More than a century ago, the discovery of a hidden bird refuge in the Everglades led down a path of greed, vanity, and murder. And that’s just the beginning of the story.
Magazine Article A Leap of Faith What will it take to save California’s yellow-legged frog?
Magazine Article Generating Controversy The Navajo Generating Station was supposed to improve the lives of the native people living in its shadow, but its only real legacy is the polluted skies over the American Southwest.
Blog Post Rock On: 11 Lesser-Known Geologic Wonders in National Parks From mysterious gliding rocks in Death Valley to fossils of some of the most ancient life forms in Glacier, here are 11 lesser-known geologic wonders—including a few personal favorites from Bruce Heise of the Park Service’s Geologic Resources Inventory program.
Blog Post Why Can’t Visitors Walk In to “Open-Air” Parks? National parks are prominent icons representing the very best of America—so it’s not surprising that losing access to these inspirational places is causing heartbreak and anger around the country. When Congress closed the national parks as part of the government shutdown on October 1, it affected hundreds of thousands of visitors, business owners, and workers. Eleven days later, the standoff on Capitol Hill continues.
Press Release Interior Reopens Public Process to Restore North Cascades Grizzly Bears Restoring grizzly bears populations is the last step in returning all major native carnivores to the North Cascades ecosystem -- an opportunity remaining in few places in the world.
Magazine Article Deep Listening How can the world’s largest collection of underwater sound recordings help scientists understand sea creatures and the noise pollution that may be killing them?
Magazine Article Swept Away A disaster in Johnstown, Pennsylvania stunted a town and changed a nation.
Magazine Article A Shoreline Rescue The National Park Service fights to bring Great Lakes’ piping plovers back from the brink.
Press Release Interior Department Accelerates Public Lands Giveaway "National parks could be next on the chopping block. Today’s move by the Interior Department poses a real and immediate threat to national parks in Utah and across the West." -- NPCA's Senior Vice President of Government Affairs Kristen Brengel.
Magazine Article The Wolverine Way Despite a ferocious reputation, the wolverine is far more complex than the legends that surround it. And even in a place as vast and wild as Glacier National Park, its future is uncertain.
Press Release Groups Urge Immediate Investigation into Use of Park Funds for President Trump’s July 4th Takeover The Department of the Interior is diverting millions of dollars of national park funds, a decision that may violate federal law.
Blog Post Wolves on the Rise at Isle Royale Researchers study the effects of 12 new wolves on this remote island park.
Blog Post Are You Ready for a Bike Challenge to Help Protect Our National Parks? Do you have what it takes to be a bike crusader for national parks? I wasn’t sure if I did.
Press Release Leasing Our Legacy: Lands Near Hovenweep National Monument Sold to Oil and Gas Bidders In its latest step towards 'energy dominance' at the sacrifice of national parks and other public lands, the Trump Administration advanced more than 30,000 acres of oil and gas leases in Southeast Utah today.
Press Release Veterans & Film in the North Cascades and Beyond National Parks Conservation Association Hosts “Find Your Voice” Event
Press Release America's Great Waters Coalition Designates New Waterways to Advocate for Restoration Needs Coalition adds Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin, St. Johns and Hudson Rivers
Magazine Article Miners' Angel A century ago, Mother Jones faced bullets and long odds in her quest to better the lives of coal laborers working in New River Gorge and other West Virginia mines.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 205 and H.R. 1941 NPCA submitted the following position to members of the House of Representatives before a floor vote on September 11th.
Policy Update NPCA position on provisions included in the 2021 House National Defense Authorization Act Ahead of an anticipated floor vote on final passage scheduled for September 23rd , 2021, NPCA shared the following statements in support of specific provisions included in the 2021 House NDAA.
Press Release Trump Extinction Plan Guts Endangered Species Act Despite overwhelming public opposition, Trump administration moves forward on plans to roll back critical wildlife protections
Blog Post Laying the Groundwork: Reclaiming D.C.’s “Forgotten River” Imagine having a beautiful river in your backyard, but being afraid to enjoy it.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 823 & H.R. 1225 NPCA submitted the following positions to members of the House Natural Resources Committee ahead of a markup scheduled for June 26, 2019.
Magazine Article Whales of the Deep Scientists are probing the depths of Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument to learn more about elusive beaked whales.
Press Release National Parks Re-Open for Business, But Long-Term Funding Solution Needed Statement by Theresa Pierno, Acting President, National Parks Conservation Association