Search results for “Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site”
Park Boston African American National Historic Site In the early 1800s, the Beacon Hill neighborhood of Boston was home to one of the largest communities of free African Americans in the country. Unlike other U.S. states, Massachusetts effectively outlawed slavery in its constitution in 1783, decades before the 13th Amendment abolished slavery nationwide. Boston became a thriving center for the abolitionist movement and a critical link in the Underground Railroad. The historic site interprets 15 different structures in this storied neighborhood, including two important buildings, the Abiel Smith School and the African Meeting House, which combine to make up the Museum of African American History. Other historic buildings include a school, the homes of several prominent Boston African Americans and a memorial honoring the first regiment of African American troops to serve in the Civil War.
Park Brices Cross Roads National Battlefield Site Brice Crossroads National Battlefield commemorates a June 10, 1864 Civil War battle near Tupelo, Mississippi, that resulted in a Confederate victory for Major General Nathan Bedford Forrest. Learn more about the battle and the larger war through interpretive trails at the park and at nearby visitor facilities at the Natchez Trace Parkway and Tupelo National Battlefield.
Park Blackstone River Valley National Historical Park Experience the living landscape of the “Birthplace of the American Industrial Revolution” in the Blackstone River Valley. The Blackstone River helped fuel America’s drive towards industrialization by running the nation’s first water-powered cotton mill. As a result, mill villages soon sprang up from the headwaters in Worcester, Massachusetts, to Narragansett Bay in Providence, Rhode Island. The 46-mile waterway, once called "the hardest-working river in America," continues to connect the communities in this celebrated national heritage corridor.
Park Big Hole National Battlefield After spending the summer fleeing U.S. Army troops, a band of Nez Perce Indians set up camp in Montana's Big Hole Valley, unaware that nearby troops would soon intercept them. On August 9, 1877, the quiet dawn was pierced by the sound of U.S. Army gunfire and the screams of women and children, many of whom died instantly in their tipis. Between 60 and 90 Nez Perce men, women and children were killed during a 36-hour battle. Today the battlefield is part of the Nez Perce National Historical Park, which consists of 38 sites that preserve the culture and the history of the Nez Perce. The Nez Perce consider the Big Hole National Battlefield a sacred burial ground, and many tribal members travel here to honor those who perished in the conflict.
Park Black Canyon Of The Gunnison National Park This park protects a 12-mile stretch of the Gunnison River as it flows through an exceptionally deep and narrow gorge. The steep canyon walls keep out much of the sunlight, giving it a dark appearance and inspiring the "Black Canyon" name. Visitors can enjoy trout fishing and challenging paddling conditions on the river; rock climbers can also choose from 145 remote and challenging climbs throughout the park.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 5859, the Trillion Trees Act NPCA, along with partners, submitted the following position to members of the House Committee on Natural Resources ahead of a hearing scheduled for February 26, 2020.
Press Release Trump’s Repeal of Clean Water Rule Means Dirtier Water For People and National Parks The proposed rule will take us back five decades in our effort to clean up our waterways.
Magazine Article The Grouse Effect An unlikely coalition is fighting to protect the Gunnison sage-grouse.
Policy Update Testimony: Impacts of the Partial Federal Government Shutdown NPCA submitted the following statement to members of the House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee ahead of a hearing scheduled for January 15, 2019.
Press Release Lawsuit Filed Against EPA for its Failure to Protect Alaska Water, Wildlife and Parks Lawsuit charges EPA with failing to protect Alaska fisheries, wildlife, national parks, jobs, communities, and ways of life from the proposed Pebble mine.
Press Release Trump Administration Action Puts National Parks at Risk, Moves to Derail Clean Water Protections Today, in a devastating blow to national parks and communities that depend on clean water, the Trump Administration calls for the repeal of the Clean Water Rule.
Blog Post The Fight to Save 30% Congress has a new opportunity to meaningfully address the climate crisis by setting an ambitious land and water preservation goal for the United States.
Press Release Parks Group Reacts to Ranger Using A Taser On Native American Visitor at Petroglyph National Monument The excessive use of force by a park ranger on a Native American visitor in a routine encounter was shocking.
Press Release Zion National Park Property Protected Anonymous donation allows for major land purchase
Blog Post A Call to Action for the Nation’s Urban Parks How our cities' green spaces improve our lives — and why we need a call to action to help recognize their importance
Press Release President Trump’s Proposed Budget Cuts Target National Parks This budget is yet another example of the lack of understanding and respect this administration has for the significance of our parks.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 5153 NPCA submitted the following position to members of the House Natural Resources Subcommittee for Indigenous Peoples of the United States ahead of a legislative hearing scheduled for February 5th, 2020.
Policy Update Position on FY16 Omnibus Appropriations Bill NPCA urges the Senate and House of Representatives to consider a few significant concerns about the Interior and Environment portion of the FY16 omnibus appropriations bill.
Blog Post Saving What Remains of the Sea of Grass NPCA led the effort to protect the planet’s largest remaining tallgrass prairie, capping decades of advocacy with the creation of Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve in 1996.
Press Release Parks Group Applauds Walmart's Decision to Withdraw Plans to Build a Superstore on Wilderness Battlefield Statement by NPCA President Tom Kiernan
Blog Post 5 Ways to Celebrate National Park Week All national parks are waiving their entrance fees on Saturday, April 20, for the kickoff to National Park Week.
Magazine Article The Secret Lives of Hummingbirds Scientists and volunteers shed light on some of the most colorful and charismatic species in the national parks.
Blog Post Not-So-Beaten Paths: 11 Lesser-Known Hikes in Popular National Parks Hit the trail and avoid the crowds! NPCA staff selected 11 lesser-known hikes in some of the country’s most popular parks.
Magazine Article The Sustainable Spread National park eateries are serving more healthy, local, sustainable fare, and you can already taste the difference.
Press Release National Parks Conservation Association Host West Coast Launch of #FindYourVoice in Los Angeles National Initiative Encourages People to Speak Up for America's Favorite Places
Magazine Article The Land of the Giants An artist’s view of Sequoia & Kings Canyon national parks in the age of extreme wildfires.
Magazine Article Lost Bears Will grizzly bears return to the North Cascades?
Press Release Colorado Air Quality Regulator Reverses Decision to Retire Coal Plants Early Air Quality Control Commission sides with corporate polluters over decision to force the early retirement of three coal plants
Press Release Federal Licensing Board Hearing to Discuss Threats from Florida Power and Light’s Proposed Nuclear Expansion at Turkey Point in Biscayne Bay Local groups and concerned citizens continue to challenge federal licensing with future of nearby national parks and region’s drinking water supply at risk.
Magazine Article Words and Stones On the trail with Acadia’s new poet laureate.
Blog Post Old School Meets New Design A Q&A with “See America” artist Brixton Doyle
Press Release Trump Administration Repeals Clean Water Rule, Threatening National Park Waterways and Drinking Water for Communities Across the Country Today’s reckless move by the administration erases years of significant improvements to the protection of our nation’s waterways.
Magazine Article A Grand Teton Winter Experience a simpler, quieter side of Grand Teton National Park.
Press Release Trump Administration Dismantles Clean Water Rule Days After Gutting National Environmental Policy Act, Putting Park Waters Further at Risk The administration’s rollback of clean water protections is a devasting blow to our national parks and surrounding communities.
Policy Update Testimony: S. 414 California Desert Conservation and Recreation Act Written testimony by David Lamfrom for the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee on Public Lands, Forests, and Mining hearing on October 8, 2015.