Search results for “Glacier Bay National Park & Preserve”
Park Joshua Tree National Park This iconic park preserves portions of two spectacular desert ecosystems. The Colorado Desert in the eastern portion of the park features natural gardens of creosote bush, ocotillo and cholla cactus. The higher, slightly cooler Mojave Desert offers dazzling vistas of Joshua trees and yucca. The vast park also contains spectacularly sculpted formations of a type of rock known as monzogranite and is a mecca for rock climbers around the world.
Park Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park This park presents a thorough portrait of the strong-willed Texan who served in both houses of Congress before leading the country as president. This park encompasses the Hill Country home site that has been in the Johnson family since the 1860s as well as the ranch where the president is buried. Learn about President Johnson’s controversial role in escalating the Vietnam War and his celebrated “Great Society” legislation which expanded civil rights protections, national health care, and environmental laws. See his childhood bed, his clothes, his collection of rare automobiles, the one-room school he attended, and a wealth of other historic items.
Park Mammoth Cave National Park Explore Mammoth Cave National Park, the longest cave system on Earth, featuring the richest known habitat for cave wildlife in the world.
Park Isle Royale National Park This rugged, roadless island is the largest wilderness area in Michigan. See moose, beavers, foxes, snowshoe hares, loons, osprey, bats, and other animals without the interruption of cars and other aspects of modern civilization. Try hiking sections of the popular Greenstone Ridge Trail, the longest and highest ridge on the island and access point for many of the campsites, to experience a cross-section of the park’s untamed habitat.
Park Gateway Arch National Park At 630 feet high and 630 feet wide, St. Louis’ iconic Gateway Arch is the tallest arch in the world and the tallest monument in the Western Hemisphere.
Report Oil, Gas Leasing Threatens 7 Western National Parks New report details dangers of development near park lands
Comment NPCA's position on visitor management strategies at Zion National Park. Download a PDF of NPCA's scoping comments on NPS visitor management strategies.
Staff Joshua Jenkins Joshua Jenkins is coming from our NPCA Northwest office to join the Southeast team and will be based in Birmingham, working in Alabama and Mississippi. He’ll be supporting new park campaigns and heritage areas, building deeper connections focusing on the links between parks and community needs/desires.
Staff Chris Watson A Campaign Director in the Southeast region, Chris Watson works on landscape connectivity, beyond boundary protection, future parks/park expansions, urban parks and wildlands, and Native American cultural connectedness to the parks.
Report Wolves at Isle Royale: Scientist Letter In October 2015, a group of almost 50 scientists sent National Park Service Director Jon Jarvis a letter urging NPS to “take immediate action to bolster the population of wolves on Isle Royale. Wolves play an important role in ecosystems through their predatory activities.”
Magazine Article Water, Smoke, Spirit, Forest, Ghost, Land, Sky A photographic essay on Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
Blog Post A New Resource in the Fight to Defend the Boundary Waters: Kids Teen advocate launches a new initiative to motivate youth to protect wild places, including the watershed that includes Voyageurs National Park.
Magazine Article The Flower Shot Photographers’ ‘Holy Grail’: catching the peak of the rhododendron bloom in Redwood National Park.
Blog Post The Quietest Place in the Contiguous United States According to a specialized researcher who has been analyzing sound recordings for more than three decades, one park contains the “quietest square inch” in the Lower 48.
Blog Post The World's First Movie Studio As we gear up for the summer blockbuster season, some movie lovers might be surprised to learn that a reproduction of the world’s first film studio is part of the U.S. National Park System.
Blog Post The Imprisoned Doctor Who Helped Fight an Epidemic Samuel Mudd was a country doctor convicted as a conspirator in the plot to assassinate President Abraham Lincoln. He eventually earned a pardon by helping to treat the outbreak of an infectious disease in his prison, which is now part of a national park.
Magazine Article Elwha: A River Reborn A new book from a reporter and photographer at The Seattle Times documents the long and successful battle to remove dams on the Elwha River in Olympic National Park.
Policy Update Testimony: Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Modernization Act Written testimony by John Garder regarding the discussion draft of the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Modernization Act for House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Federal Lands hearing on October 28, 2015.
Policy Update Position on 2016 Energy Legislation NPCA submitted the following position to members of the House of Representatives designated as conferees on energy legislation.
Magazine Article The Alaska Experiment Three decades after President Carter added 47 million acres of Alaska to the National Park System, managing those lands remains a complex and highly political effort.
Magazine Article In the Balance In his 1968 book about Arches, "Desert Solitaire," Edward Abbey warned that tourists and cars would destroy the park he loved. Was he right?
Blog Post 5 Ways to Pitch in to Help the Places You Love Find Your Voice to help protect and enjoy our national parks in time for their centennial and beyond.
Press Release Conservation Groups Move to Stop Power Line Construction Before Irreversible Damage Is Done Susquehanna-Roseland line through New Jersey and Pennsylvania would cause significant harm to treasured national parks
Magazine Article The Sustainable Spread National park eateries are serving more healthy, local, sustainable fare, and you can already taste the difference.
Blog Post Building (on) Bridges For nearly a century, Anacostia Park in Washington, D.C., has served as a playground for area residents while also preserving a critical shoreline area and protecting the natural scenery and water quality of the Anacostia River. The 1,200 acres of parkland along the river’s banks have seen recent improvements with more opportunities for recreational access, including the Anacostia Riverwalk Trail, a 28-mile shared-use trail that connects 16 communities from the National Mall at the Tidal Basin to Bladensburg, Maryland, as well as the Anacostia Water Trail, a nine-mile scenic stretch of the river for paddlers.
Magazine Article The Visionaries Nearly 100 years ago, the work of best friends Stephen Mather and Robert Sterling Yard forever endeared the American public to the national parks—and gave birth to NPCA, the organization that would protect them.
Magazine Article A Mountain to Climb In Los Angeles, California, the parks of Santa Monica Mountains unite beneath a single banner.
Resource Second Century Action Coalition: Funding The coalition advocates for an increased federal investment in our national parks.
Blog Post San Antonio Missions Nominated for Prestigious International Recognition Earlier this month, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar had a difficult decision to make. Each year, the Department of the Interior can officially nominate just two sites to be recognized as World Heritage Sites by the World Heritage Center (part of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, or UNESCO). NPCA is pleased that Salazar officially authorized the San Antonio Franciscan Missions for the nomination this year. This site includes the San Antonio Missions National Historical Park as well as the Mission San Antonio de Valero, better known as the Alamo.
Magazine Article Tracking Down History At Golden Spike National Historic Site in northern Utah, the National Park Service and a cast of dedicated volunteers revive the legacy of the first Transcontinental Railroad.
Blog Post A Valentine’s Day Q&A with Audrey Peterman Long-time environmental advocate Audrey Peterman shares inspiration, thoughts on diversity, and information on her new book, which she describes as a “love letter to the parks.”
Magazine Article Lessons in Motion Homeschooling on the road isn’t always easy, but enthusiasts say the big wide world — including national parks — is the best classroom.
Blog Post NPCA's Favorite Trips The summer travel season is here, and all 397 national parks will offer free admission this Saturday, June 9 for National Get Outdoors Day. Here are a few NPCA staff favorite destinations that are a little off the beaten path.
Press Release Angelenos Unite to Support Rim of the Valley Expansion of the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area NPCA, The City Project, and local partners call for action to advance the National Park Service's Rim of the Valley special resource study.
Magazine Article Landscapes for the People Photographer George Grant has never been widely known, but his skillfully crafted work helped popularize the idea that the national parks belong to everyday Americans.
Magazine Article The Wild Road Brent Steury and his collaborators have had a field day at an unlikely biodiversity hotspot: a park along a highway outside the nation’s capital where they have discovered dozens of new species.
Magazine Article One More Casualty at Little Bighorn? A battlefield in southern Montana details the fall of George Custer, the end of the American Indians’ way of life, and the crippling decline of the Park Service budget.
Magazine Article Reporting for Duty The Park Service shuttered its Morning Report in 2015 after a 30-year run, but the longtime editor has a few more things to say.
Press Release New Survey Shows Public Support for Revitalizing Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore Funding, invasive species, pollution, and access to the park are of top concerns
Press Release Government Accountability Office Finds Secretary Bernhardt Violated Federal Law Today, the Government Accountability Office found that the Interior Department illegally used funds to keep national parks open during the recent government shutdown.
Policy Update Position on S. 225, S. 298, S. 327, S. 641, S. 774, S. 1152 & S. 1582 NPCA submitted the following positions to members of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee on National Parks ahead of a hearing scheduled for June 19, 2019.
Evan Turk Evan is an award-winning illustrator, author and animator, who lives in Riverside, California, with his husband and two cats. His work has been featured in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, the Chicago Tribune and NPR. His recently published children’s books include “The People’s Painter,” “A Thousand Glass Flowers” and “You Are Home: An Ode to the National Parks.”
Staff Abbey Robertson As the senior manager of corporate partnerships and cause marketing, Abbey strategizes, collaborates with and stewards partners from end to end to create compelling, engaging campaigns in support of NPCA’s mission.
Resource Second Century Action Coalition: Centennial Challenge The coalition is actively working to establish a long-term, public-private matching program to fund centennial initiatives.
Staff Robin Martin McKenna Robin Martin McKenna joined NPCA in 2000 and is currently Chief Operating Officer. Previously Robin was Vice President of Regional Operations, overseeing NPCA’s field program for two years and served as Deputy for the department for eight years prior to that.