Search results for “Glacier Bay National Park & Preserve”
Video Find Your Voice: Yellowstone National Park On the borders of Yellowstone National Park decades worth of barriers to pronghorn migration are opening one day at a time thanks to the hard work of volunteers and willing private landowners. Together we can make a difference for national parks and wildlife.
Resource National Parks Affected by 9B Rules These 40 parks have active oil and gas wells or are at risk of future oil and gas development within their boundaries.
Resource Pipelines and National Parks Congress is trying to make it easier to build gas pipelines through national parks.
Fact Sheet Protecting America's Great Waters The National Parks Conservation Association recognizes that the health of our national parks is directly linked to the health of the waters that surround and flow through them. As part of its landscape conservation strategic priority, NPCA actively works in the Chesapeake Bay, Colorado River, Everglades, Galveston Bay, Great Lakes, and New York/New Jersey Harbor and Hudson Estuary to conserve and restore these waterways for the benefit of current and future national parks.
Fact Sheet Forward, Not Backward Climate change is the greatest threat facing our national parks and people across the world. But the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is taking strident measures to strip the U.S. of necessary rules to curb climate pollution.
Press Release Groups Challenge Decision to Remove Protections for Yellowstone Grizzly Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem grizzly bear delisting defies the best available science and sidesteps important legal safeguards
Policy Update Position on H.R. 5538, Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2017 NPCA submitted the following position to members of the House of Representatives ahead of floor debate the week of July 11, 2016.
Blog Post The Art, Science and Economics of Cherry Blossom Forecasting A highly unusual year for D.C.'s famous cherry trees forces festival organizers to scramble and may leave thousands of travelers disappointed.
Magazine Article A Front-Row Seat A naturalist watches as seals return to Cape Cod National Seashore—and marvels at the human response.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 1373, H.R. 2181 & H.R. 3405 NPCA submitted the following positions to members of the House Committee on Natural Resources ahead of a markup scheduled for July 17, 2019.
Policy Update Position on S. 483, S. 2809 & S. 2907 NPCA submitted the following positions to members of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Public Lands, Forests, and Mining Subcommittee ahead of a hearing scheduled for August 22, 2018.
Magazine Article Found Objects Two artists turn trash into treasures at Point Reyes National Seashore.
Magazine Article A Leap of Faith What will it take to save California’s yellow-legged frog?
Press Release Community Leaders Support Sen. Feinstein's California Desert Protection Bill Bill would expand Death Valley, Joshua Tree and protect lands for recreation, tourism and wildlife
Press Release Groups Challenge Decision to Remove Yellowstone Grizzly Protections NPCA is among a coalition of tribal and conservation interests that filed a lawsuit in federal court seeking to restore critical protections to the Yellowstone region’s iconic grizzly bears before new threats, including hunting, push the population further into decline.
Press Release Tribal, Conservation Groups Urge Court to Restore Endangered Species Protections for Yellowstone Grizzlies Tribal and conservation interests today asked a federal judge to invalidate a government decision to strip the Yellowstone region’s grizzly bears of longstanding endangered species protections.
Press Release Jeff Bridges: A Voice for Yellowstone Grizzlies NPCA has teamed up with actor and Montana resident Jeff Bridges in defense of Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem grizzly bears.
Press Release Groundbreaking Everglades Project Creates Unprecedented Restoration Progress and Benefits to Local Economy NPCA applauds Congress’s efforts to achieve full Everglades restoration, which will ultimately revitalize South Florida’s economic growth.
Press Release Groups File Federal Lawsuit to Address California’s San Joaquin Valley Clean Air Crisis Suit challenges EPA’s failure to develop a federal plan to address PM-2.5 pollution in the San Joaquin Valley
Blog Post Working Toward Change, One Ride at a Time A sister and brother push their physical limits to take on the worst battle facing this generation—climate change
Blog Post 5 Facts You Might Not Know About Harriet Tubman She is a revered American hero — but there’s more to Harriet Tubman’s story than what we learn in school.
Press Release California Grants Joshua Tree Temporary Protections The California Fish and Game Commission unanimously approved temporary California Endangered Species Act (CESA) protections today for western Joshua trees.
Policy Update Position on the Clean Power Plan NPCA, along with partners, submitted the following position to the EPA in response to their effort to repeal the Clean Power Plan.
Blog Post Bringing Down the Dams People talk about overcoming obstacles, but when advocates literally move tons of concrete to help their local river and its wildlife, it gives a whole new meaning to the phrase.
Magazine Article Musical Mountaineering A tuneful duo spreads joy one alpine allegro and sunrise sonata at a time.
Blog Post Why One Outdoorsman Opposes the Proposed Wyoming Grizzly Hunt His family hunted bears before they were endangered. Now that they are finally rebounding, this enthusiast and wildlife filmmaker wants to make sure shortsighted plans don’t undo decades of progress.
Magazine Article Getting the Lead Out Lead bullets still threaten the California condor, an icon at Pinnacles and Grand Canyon.
Magazine Article Dreaming, Reflecting, Remembering A special issue for these challenging times.
Policy Update Position on S. 614, Grizzly Bear State Management Act NPCA submitted the following position to members of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works ahead of a hearing scheduled for September 9, 2020.
Policy Update Testimony: Identifying Innovative Infrastructure Ideas Written testimony by Denis Galvin, NPCA board member, for the House Committee on Natural Resources, Federal Lands Subcommittee hearing on March 16, 2017.
Policy Update Position on Reauthorization of the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act NPCA submitted the following position to members of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.
Policy Update Comments on Transparency in Science Rulemaking NPCA submitted the following comments to the Environmental Protection Agency on the proposed supplemental rule regarding “transparency” in science
Policy Update Views on S. 2012: Energy Policy Modernization Act and Several Amendments NPCA submitted the following position on several potential amendments to and provisions in S. 2012, Energy Policy Modernization Act, during consideration of the bill on the Senate floor.
Policy Update Testimony: Agency Spending Restrictions During a Shutdown Written statement of John Garder, NPCA Senior Director of Budget & Appropriations, for the hearing "The Power of the Purse: A Review of Agency Spending Restrictions During a Shutdown" in the House Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies scheduled for February 6, 2019.
Policy Update Testimony: Fiscal Year 2020 Appropriations Written statement of John Garder, NPCA Senior Director of Budget and Appropriations, for the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment and Related Agencies.