Search results for “Mesa Verde National Park”
Resource A Perfect Pairing for Yellowstone — and All National Parks Limestone Branch, the distillery that has been inspired by Yellowstone since 1872, is partnering with NPCA, with the advocacy group that has been protecting the world's first national park since 1919.
Resource Tens of Thousands of Orphaned Wells Threaten National Parks Orphaned oil wells emit pollution, block wildlife migration, and threaten our climate and parks.
Video Youthworks in the Parks An innovative partnership is connecting urban youth with public lands
Resource Magazine Submission Guidelines for Writers and Photographers National Parks is an award-winning, quarterly magazine known for high-quality photography and writing. The magazine is published by the National Parks Conservation Association, a nonprofit group dedicated to the protection and enhancement of the National Park System.
Infographic Yellowstone Pronghorn Project: Restoring Ancient Paths Fences have long been a barrier for Yellowstone pronghorn antelope, as they migrate to crucial winter habitat beyond park borders. Despite being the fastest land mammal in the Western Hemisphere, pronghorn are not built to jump. Fences in their historic migration pathways caused the pronghorn population in Yellowstone to plummet. By 2004, park biologists estimated that fewer than 200 remained in the northern herd. The small herd was extremely susceptible to disease and severe weather threatening the long-term survival of this population.
Blog Post Kids Need Nature: Here’s a Free Way to Get Them Outdoors Young people benefit from time in nature, but it is up to adults to help get them outside. A new free pass for fourth graders can help
Policy Update Position on NPS Director Nominee NPCA submitted the following position to members of the Senate Committee on Energy & Natural Resources ahead of a hearing scheduled for October 16, 2018.
Magazine Article Over the River and Through the Woods A wintry return to Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument.
Blog Post More Ways to See America NPCA and Creative Action Network expand innovative “See America” partnership with new opportunities for artists.
Policy Update Position on Nomination of Scott Pruitt NPCA submitted the following position to the Senate regarding the Trump administration nominee to lead the Environmental Protection Agency.
Policy Update NPCA position on the nomination of Deb Haaland for Secretary of the Interior NPCA sent the following letter of support to the United States Senate ahead of the hearing to consider the nomination of Deb Haaland for Secreatary of the Interior.
Blog Post Overcoming the ‘Diversity Deficit’: 7 Sites That Deserve Federal Recognition Recommendations from the Hispanic Access Foundation for creating an inclusive approach to protecting Latino heritage
Blog Post Meet the Woman behind Waco Mammoth NPCA interviews Waco Mammoth Program Coordinator Raegan King, who oversees Waco Mammoth National Monument and currently serves as president of the Museum Association of Waco.
Blog Post Just in Time for World Water Day, President’s Budget Proposes Severe Cuts to Water Funding Last week’s proposed federal budget poses serious concerns for America’s waters and the millions of people who depend on them.
Magazine Article Objects of Affection You see their work in visitor centers scattered across the nation—18th-century paintings by our nation’s early masters, mahogany desks where historic speeches were penned, early photographs of abolitionists, and authentic uniforms from Civil War soldiers. Meet the talented people who preserve the age-old artifacts that tell America’s stories.
Magazine Article Home on the Range? Bison are destroying Grand Canyon’s fragile meadows, but removing the animals is no easy task.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 1644 and S.J.Res. 22 NPCA submitted the following positions on legislation to the House of Representatives ahead of anticipated floor votes.
Press Release Obama Administration Approves Harmful Energy Project in the California Desert Department of Interior approved the Soda Mountain Solar Project, which is widely regarded as the most controversial renewable energy proposal in the region, and stands to industrialize important habitat for bighorn sheep and other wildlife, less than half a mile from Mojave National Preserve.
Blog Post The Attack on the Antiquities Act In a move that alarmed the conservation community last month, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 1459, legislation that would restrict the president’s powers to designate new national monuments under the Antiquities Act. Known as the Ensuring Public Involvement in the Creation of National Monuments Act or “EPIC,” H.R. 1459 ironically spells an epic failure for conservation values in Congress.
Magazine Article If a Tree Falls, They’ll Hear it An innovative tool calculates the level of noise pollution across the country.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 801, H.R. 2888 & H.R. 4266 NPCA submitted the following positions to the House Committee on Natural Resources Subcommittee on Federal Lands ahead of a hearing scheduled for November 15, 2017.
Blog Post What’s Old Is New Again Grand Teton leads the way in re-envisioning historic buildings
Policy Update Position on H.Con.Res.71, FY18 Budget Resolution NPCA submitted the following positions to members of the Senate ahead of expected floor votes on October 19, 2017.
Blog Post Beyond Outreach: How to Deeply Engage New Audiences Engagement is a fairly common word these days. Companies, non-profits, and public land managers alike are looking for ways to connect with the changing demographic of the American public. But when it comes to engagement, what is really working? What efforts are making lasting change in the lives of young people and communities?
Magazine Article From the Archives An excerpt from NPCA’s first newsletter.
Policy Update Position on S.225, S.298, S.327, S.774, and S.1152 NPCA submitted the following positions to members of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources ahead of a business meeting to discuss pending legislation scheduled for December 12, 2019.
Blog Post Protecting Our Underwater Wonders Earlier this month, my husband and I escaped the endless East Coast winter and traveled to California with NPCA partners and colleagues to celebrate the wilderness at Point Reyes National Seashore.
Press Release Arizona Proposal Allows Aging Coal Plant to Increase Air Pollution for Decades Cholla Power Plant bypasses strong pollution controls, threatens air quality
Policy Update Testimony: Pride Forum Written statement by Chad Lord, NPCA Senior Director of Water Policy, for the House Committee on Natural Resources on July 24, 2019.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 205 and H.R. 1941 NPCA submitted the following position to members of the House of Representatives before a floor vote on September 11th.
Magazine Article A Quest to Remember 116,000 Americans were killed in World War I. Why has it taken a century to build a national memorial in Washington, D.C.?
Press Release Groups Sue to Stop Oil and Gas Exploration in Florida’s Big Cypress National Preserve Seismic Testing Threatens Endangered Florida Panther and Water Resources
Magazine Article New and Improved Preserving West Virginia’s best-loved view.
Policy Update Position on Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act NPCA shared the following position on the Discussion Draft of the “Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act (SHARE Act)” with the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Federal Lands ahead of a legislative hearing on June 14, 2017.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 3548, Border Security for America Act NPCA submitted the following position to the House Homeland Security Committee ahead of a legislative markup scheduled for October 4, 2017.