Search results for “Glacier Bay National Park & Preserve”
Policy Update Position on H.R. 3373 NPCA submitted the following position to the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Federal Lands ahead of a legislative hearing scheduled for October 11, 2017.
Blog Post 50 Years Later: Reflecting on the Significance of Earth Day The first Earth Day launched her career as an environmental historian and her path as an activist. Now, even as the pandemic keeps her at home, she commemorates the lasting significance of the Earth Day movement.
Blog Post A Transparent Ploy to Hinder Science An open letter to embattled EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt
Magazine Article A High-Flying Recovery A 40-year study follows the once-imperiled peregrine falcons of Alaska.
Magazine Article A Mammoth Discovery The lucky find that led to the creation of a monument.
Policy Update Position on H.J.Res. 38, Disapproving the Stream Protection Rule NPCA sent the following position to the Senate and House of Representatives ahead of anticipated floor votes in both chambers.
Blog Post Help Kids “Leave No Trace” As we start a new year, it’s a perfect opportunity to make a resolution to spend more time in nature with the young people in our lives.
Policy Update NPCA views on provisions of H. R. 5986 NPCA shared the following position with the House Natural Resources Committee ahead of an anticipated hearing scheduled for October 1st, 2020.
Blog Post Fifty Years Later: Wilderness & Civil Rights in the Same Breath This summer marks the 50-year anniversary of two landmark pieces of legislation—the Civil Rights Act and the Wilderness Act—that are linked more closely than they might seem.
Blog Post Birds—and Birders—Find a Welcome Refuge at Monocacy National Battlefield It’s been nearly 150 years since the clash that transformed some gentle fields in northern Maryland to the hallowed status of Civil War battlefields.
Blog Post Major Victory for Clean Air Will Help Reduce Dangerous Levels of Soot Health groups, environmentalists, and state governments won a major victory for clean air last month when the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed tighter regulations on one of the most dangerous air pollutants we breathe every day: soot.
Policy Update Position on S. 15 and S. 1230 NPCA submitted the following positions on legislation being considered by the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee on June 9, 2015.
Policy Update Position on S. 34, Midnight Rules Relief Act NPCA submitted the following position to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security ahead of a business meeting on May 17, 2017.
Policy Update Position on S. 21, the REINS Act NPCA submitted the following position to members of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs ahead of a business meeting scheduled for May 17, 2017.
Blog Post Living History and Solemn Reflection at Antietam Commemoration On September 17, 1862, the Union Army of the Potomac and the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia battled for twelve savage hours on the banks of Antietam Creek in Maryland. When the fighting was over, 23,000 people had been killed, wounded, or declared missing, making that one day the bloodiest in the history of the Civil War.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 2647, the Resilient Federal Forests Act NPCA submitted the following position on H.R. 2647, the Resilient Federal Forests Act, when the bill was considered on the House floor on July 9, 2015.
Magazine Article Seeing the Light The discovery of a rare blind catfish in Texas could have far-ranging implications for water and land use.
Blog Post 7 Facts About the Trump Administration’s Illegal Attack on National Monuments President Trump issued two proclamations to remove federal protections from roughly 2 million acres in Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments — the largest reduction of public lands protections in U.S. history.
Blog Post The Spike That Connected the Country In 1869, engineers connected two railway lines in northwestern Utah, completing the world’s first transcontinental railroad.
Blog Post New NPS Video: Spend Three Minutes in the Wilderness "In wildness is the preservation of the world," said Henry David Thoreau. Yet relatively little of the world is designated as wildness--at least here in the United States.
Blog Post Where the Wild Things Were A trip to Las Vegas can bring out the wild animal in many of us—but visitors to the southern Nevada desert may not realize the kinds of actual wild animals that roamed the area long before the flashing lights and clanking slot machines took up residence on the Strip. A mere 30 minutes north of all the glittery casino action, a 23,000-acre swath of the desert known as Tule Springs could become one of our next new national monuments—and you might call this remarkable place “where the wild things were.”
Policy Update Position on S. 750, the Arizona Borderlands Protection and Preservation Act NPCA, along with partner organizations, submitted the following position on legislation to be considered by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committee during a hearing on May 6, 2015.
Policy Update Review of Trump Administration's Infrastructure Legislative Outline NPCA analysis of the Trump Administration's infrastructure legislative proposal, as reported by the Washington Post, found the outline aims to accelerate infrastructure projects, at the cost of clean water, clear air, expertise of federal agency staff, judicial review, longstanding bedrock environmental laws such as the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
Blog Post From the Gold Rush to the COVID Pandemic: A History of Anti-Asian Violence Last week’s mass-shootings in Atlanta were shocking and tragic — yet this kind of horror is not new. The 1871 massacre of 19 Chinese Americans in Los Angeles reminds us that anti-Asian violence is deeply rooted in American culture.
Blog Post What’s Next for Bears Ears? Earlier today, NPCA joined a coalition of partners suing the federal government to keep Utah’s Bears Ears National Monument fully protected.
Blog Post Think Pink Early spring in Washington, D.C., is the time that thousands of locals and tourists come together to celebrate the city's famous cherry blossoms.
Blog Post Governor McDonnell: Please Don't Build Houses on a Historic Civil War Site "Freedom's Fortress" is an important part of Virginia's history and no place for a subdivision.
Blog Post Exactly Where We’re Meant to Be How a weeklong celebration of people who look like me can create a greater sense of belonging for the Latinx community in the outdoors.
Blog Post 6 Reasons to Act Today for Clean Air in Arizona It’s no secret that reducing air pollution creates a host of benefits for human health and the environment. But what does it mean in real terms when a coal plant cleans up its act and spews fewer particulates into the air?
Magazine Article Angel of the Battlefield Clara Barton’s home, just outside of Washington, D.C., tells the story of the Red Cross founder.