Search results for “Saguaro National Park”
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Blog Post Erased by History: The Seldom-Told Stories at 6 Nationally Significant Sites Black LGBTQ people have long made history in America. Why don’t we know the names of these people and places?
Policy Update Position on H.R. 1026, H.R. 2991 & H.R. 3440 NPCA submitted the following positions to the House Natural Resources Committee ahead of a markup scheduled for April 18, 2018.
Magazine Article The Long Haul They came, they saw, they collected 1,812 pounds of trash over 4,840 miles of hiking trails.
Magazine Article Return to Manzanar As the number of Japanese-American incarceration camp survivors dwindles, a new generation strives to keep the story alive.
Magazine Article In The Footsteps of a Dream Relive the history of the civil-rights movement in Alabama and Georgia.
Magazine Article Secrets of the Tombs Archaeologists at the Kingsley Plantation in Florida shed light on the slaves who lived, worked and died there 200 years ago.
Magazine Article Harlequin Hardships Why is the Western population of Harlequin ducks declining?
Press Release Newly Released Arkansas C & H Water Monitoring Study Used Taxpayer Money to Test Wrong Fields for Hog Waste Contamination Coalition calls on state to fully reopen C & H's permitting process; Local citizens ask University of Arkansas to cease unauthorized testing on their land
Blog Post Protecting Our History—and Growing Our Economy—in Orange County, Virginia Too often, efforts to protect historical sites end up pitting preservationists against landowners and developers, resulting in wasted time, wasted money, and hard feelings all around.
Magazine Article Angling for Cash Glen Canyon National Recreation Area tries a novel approach to control brown trout.
Press Release America's Great Waters Coalition Designates Nine New Waterways to Advocate for Restoration Needs Adequate funding for restoration projects will help meet challenges facing our Great Waters
Blog Post Perseid Meteor Shower: Things Are Looking Up Get yourself under a dark sky tonight for a chance to see a remarkable “outburst.”
Policy Update Position on BLM Reorganization & Relocation NPCA submitted the following position to members of the House Natural Resources Committee Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations ahead of a hearing scheduled for September 10, 2019.
Blog Post Amache: An American Story That Must be Told An interview with Mitch Homma, whose family members were incarcerated at Amache during World War II simply because of their Japanese ancestry.
Magazine Article Circling the Mountain Another season, another ceremonial circumambulation of Mount Tamalpais. What draws hikers to this 55-year-old ritual?
Policy Update Position on H.R. 1289, H.R. 2295, and H.R. 2647 NPCA submitted the following positions on legislation considered by the House Natural Resources Committee on June 10-11, 2015.
Policy Update NPCA views on provisions of H. R. 5986 NPCA shared the following position with the House Natural Resources Committee ahead of an anticipated hearing scheduled for October 1st, 2020.
Magazine Article Desert Storm Fort Bowie stood at the center of America's most brutal Indian Wars.
Blog Post In Baltimore, the Red and the Blue Wave Together as One The flag at Fort McHenry reminds us what America stands for and how our nation has endured through decades of challenges.
Magazine Article The Long Way The 4,600-mile North Country Trail has been painstakingly constructed by a devoted group of supporters over four decades. It’s only two-thirds done and largely unknown, but step by step that is changing.
Blog Post Mormon Pioneer Highlights Fierce Determination in a Rugged Landscape This story is part of our series on national heritage areas, the large lived-in landscapes managed through innovative partnerships to tell America’s cultural history.
Magazine Article Renaissance Man Frederick Douglass’s home tells the story of a man who overcame enormous obstacles and paved the way for others to do the same.
Policy Update Position on S. 21, the REINS Act NPCA submitted the following position to members of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs ahead of a business meeting scheduled for May 17, 2017.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 959 and H.R. 1289 NPCA submitted the following positions on legislation considered on the floor of the House on September 16, 2015.
Policy Update Position on S. 34, Midnight Rules Relief Act NPCA submitted the following position to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security ahead of a business meeting on May 17, 2017.
Magazine Article Accidental Hero Crispus Attucks is believed to be the first casualty of the American Revolution, but 250 years later, it’s still difficult to untangle fact from myth.
Policy Update Position on S. 15 and S. 1230 NPCA submitted the following positions on legislation being considered by the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee on June 9, 2015.
Blog Post Reflecting on Selma, 50 Years Later On March 7, 1965, courage and villainy collided on the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, when John Lewis and more than 500 other peaceful protesters marched for their constitutional right to vote.
Policy Update Position on H.J.Res. 38, Disapproving the Stream Protection Rule NPCA sent the following position to the Senate and House of Representatives ahead of anticipated floor votes in both chambers.
Blog Post 50 Years Later: Reflecting on the Significance of Earth Day The first Earth Day launched her career as an environmental historian and her path as an activist. Now, even as the pandemic keeps her at home, she commemorates the lasting significance of the Earth Day movement.
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