Search results for “Glacier Bay National Park & Preserve”
Park Biscayne National Park Located just a few miles from the city of Miami, Biscayne is the largest marine park in the National Park System and preserves the diverse marine environment where the Atlantic Ocean meets Biscayne Bay. The park features a variety of plant and animal life both above and below the water's surface, including the longest stretch of mangrove forest remaining on Florida's east coast and part of the only living tropical coral reef system in the continental United States.
Press Release Parks Group Files Lawsuit to Protect Biscayne National Park The Park Service must establish a marine reserve and phase out commercial fishing in order to protect resources at Biscayne National Park. NPCA will hold them accountable.
Blog Post Check Out The National Parks Band That Supports National Park Lands If you're like me, you love the peaceful sounds of national parks. Here's a chance to check out the inventive sounds of The National Parks—indie-folk artists Brady Parks, Sydney Carling, and Paige Wagner who make up the up-and-coming band one musician described as "the Lumineers meets Of Monsters and Men."
Press Release Senate Appropriations Bill Offers a Modest Increase for National Parks but Falls Short in Providing Adequate Funding for Park System Centennial Spending bill would increase overall National Park Service budget but still falls short in meeting operation and maintenance needs of our national parks.
Press Release Spoiled Parks: Top 12 National Parks Threatened by Trump Administration's Energy Agenda Spoiled Parks explores how current leasing policies have scarred landscapes and threaten future harm to clean air, cultural heritage, wildlife and tourism economies.
Press Release National Parks Group Calls for Confirmation of Charles Sams for Park Service Director Charles Sams will be a fierce advocate for all National Park Service employees and for protecting natural and cultural resources in our parks.
Press Release National Park System Welcomes Manhattan Project National Historical Park NPCA celebrates addition of Manhattan Project National Historical Park as 409th national park
Press Release Parks Project Recognized with First-Ever National Park Defender Award NPCA celebrates Parks Project for their considerable contributions to and in support of our national park conservation work.
Blog Post Teen Ambassadors Paddle Voyageurs National Park and Advise the Park Service Staff from the National Park Service and two of its partner organizations just wrapped up the first year of an innovative new program aimed at getting youth interested in the national parks.
Blog Post Fuel Your Park Adventure: 10 Great Restaurants Near National Parks Restaurants just outside national parks can be destinations in their own right. Our staff recommends 10 eateries where you can enjoy local delicacies.
Blog Post One Year Later: Park Service Recommendations for Expanding César Chávez Monument into Comprehensive Historic Park Ever plan a birthday party where no one shows up? Sadly, the César E. Chávez National Monument could not commemorate the one-year anniversary of the park’s dedication on October 8—because the site was closed and the monument’s one dedicated Park Service employee, Superintendent Ruben Andrade, was furloughed due to the federal government shutdown.
Press Release Nature Valley Partners with National Parks Conservation Association, Encourages Support for America’s National Parks this #GivingTuesday Nature Valley and National Parks Conservation Association celebrate more than eight years of protecting our national parks together.
Blog Post 6 Ways to Help Parks and Park Staff People around the country have been devastated by how national parks and park staff are suffering because of the partial government shutdown. Here are a few ways you can help.
Blog Post NPCA Petitions Park Service to Safeguard Park Wolves in Wyoming Last September, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) approved a plan to remove gray wolves from the Endangered Species List in Wyoming. This controversial delisting could someday allow state-run wolf hunting within the John D. Rockefeller Parkway, a 24,000-acre national park site that connects Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks.
Press Release Park Advocates Applaud Decision to Keep Off-Road Vehicles Out of Utah National Parks and Monuments Decision maintains commonsense park resource protections and promotes visitor safety
Blog Post It's the Best Year to Enjoy National Parks: 10 Reasons Why It's the 100th birthday of the National Park Service, with opportunities to celebrate the parks throughout 2016. From planting a “Centennial Forest” in Texas to counting species of plants and animals on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., here are 10 ways to take your appreciation for national parks to historic levels in 2016.
Press Release Subaru to Share Zero Landfill Expertise with National Park Service to Reduce Park Waste Pilot Program Planned For Yosemite, Grand Teton and Denali National Parks
Blog Post America's National Parks: An Insider's Guide to Unforgettable Places and Experiences Dream up your next national park adventure as you flip through this stunning new photo book. Read about some of the work that went into creating it and where to get your own copy.
Report Center for State of the Parks: Adams National Historical Park At Adams National Historical Park, the assessment found that personnel have made considerable progress toward preserving the park’s resources, yet significant challenges remain.
Blog Post What Does the Government Shutdown Mean for National Parks and Park Visitors? A partial closure of national park sites puts people and places at risk.
Press Release National Parks Conservation Association Says President's Budget Falls Short of Meeting National Park Needs Investing in national parks benefits local economies, the American people, and our nation's future
Press Release Trump Administration Robs Limited National Park Fee Money to Operate Parks During Shutdown Diverting this money will dig our parks into an even bigger financial hole.
Press Release Local Businesses and Park Community Representatives to Secretary Zinke: Don’t Price Families Out of National Parks Increasing entrance fees would harm gateway communities that depend on park visitors.
Press Release National Parks Conservation Association Says President's Budget Helps Meet National Park Needs Investing in national parks benefits local economies, the American people, and our nation's future
Press Release Congressman Rutherford, National Park Advocates Call on Congress to Fund Restoration Efforts at National Parks in Florida National park advocates assess repair needs at Kingsley Plantation in Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve.
Press Release Senate Spending Committee Advances Interior Funding Bill; Better Protects National Parks and Supports Park Rangers Senate bill increases funding for the National Park Service by $133 million
Press Release National Parks Group Raises Concerns with President's Budget for National Parks President's budget makes clear the increasingly difficult times that lie ahead for national parks' budgets
Blog Post National Park Service Needs Reliable Climate Science to Manage Its Parks Altering a climate report sets an unacceptable precedent for national park decision-making.
Press Release New Park Service Report Shows Government Shutdown's Harmful Impacts to National Parks and Local Communities Nationwide Statement by Craig Obey, Senior Vice President of Government Affairs for the National Parks Conservation Association
Press Release Park Advocates Tell Congress: Shutdown Will Hurt National Parks, Cost Locals Millions in Lost Revenue Letter Urges Congress to Avert Shutdown and Restore Park Funding Ahead of Centennial
Press Release National Parks Conservation Association Salutes Members of Congress with National Parks Award NPCA honors members of Congress with the Friend of the National Parks Award.
Press Release Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Park Service Must Take Bold Action to Protect Biscayne National Park Marine Wildlife Decades of overfishing have severely depleted Biscayne’s reef fish, and it’s time for Florida and the Park Service to take action to protect them.
Victory Historic Park Funding Bill Becomes Law A historic park funding bill will dedicate $6.5 billion over five years to priority projects in the National Park Service’s nearly $12 billion backlog of needed repair work.
Report Making Connections: Colonial National Historical Park Every national park exists in a context. Colonial National Historical Park’s context is marked by a long tradition of support and partnership. Uniquely, Colonial NHP connects an array of public and private sites that complement each other in preserving and interpreting a rich history spanning the American colonial period and beyond.
Report Center for State of the Parks: Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site Center for State of the Parks assessment of Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site indicates that the park’s cultural resources are in fair condition, with an overall score of 73 out of 100.
NPCA at Work Working with Veterans to Protect National Parks For years, NPCA’s veterans program has worked to meaningfully engage the military community— including veterans, active duty, reservists and military families — in supporting national parks through service projects and a variety of advocacy actions.
Report Restoring the Great Lakes in our National Parks This report highlights the successful and critical role that the National Park Service plays in restoring the Great Lakes, safeguarding public health, creating jobs, and protecting these special places belonging to all Americans.
Report Best Practices in Friends Groups and National Parks Best Practices In Friends Groups And National Parks
storymap Isle Royale National Park: Wolves View our interactive map to learn more about efforts to restore wolves and bring balance back to Isle Royale National Park.
See a Map Climate Change and Our National Parks See an interactive map highlighting some of the national parks facing the effects of climate change.
See a Map Farming in National Parks in the Mid-Atlantic See 14 national park sites in the Chesapeake Bay watershed where farmers work with Park Service staff to manage runoff and other environmental threats responsibly.
Interactive Map National Parks and Hydraulic Fracturing Oil and Gas Shale Basins and Plays in the Contiguous 48 States
See a Map Parks Under Threat This map shows the proximity of coastal national parks to areas opened by the Department of Interior in January 2018 to offshore oil drilling.
Victory Grand Canyon Protected from Threat of Mega-Development You helped to stop a massive development proposed just outside the boundary of Grand Canyon National Park that had the Park Service and park supporters worried about negative effects on the park—especially the dozens of fragile creeks, springs, and seeps that rely on underground water sources the development could have legally tapped.
NPCA at Work Find Your Voice The Find Your Voice initiative engaged a new generation of advocates to speak up for parks through a series of special events and hands-on projects during the 2016 National Park Service centennial.
Park Arkansas Post National Memorial Although the name of this park stems from the French trading post near the banks of the Mississippi River, Native Americans, most recently the Quapaw, inhabited the area for thousands of years before the Europeans arrived. Visitors can learn about the historic nature of the park and of the many stories, ranging from expedition of Hernando de Soto to the Battle of Arkansas Post in the Civil War. Visitors can also stroll the nature trails and try to steal a glimpse of one of the area's American alligators or endangered Traill's flycatchers.
NPCA at Work Room to Roam Yellowstone's bison are under threat from the moment they cross the park's boundary. Outdated management plans and misunderstandings have led to the routine roundup and slaughter of this wild icon of the American West.
Staff and Government Affairs Alan Spears Alan joined NPCA in 1999 and is currently the Senior Director of Cultural Resources in the Government Affairs department. He serves as NPCA's resident historian and cultural resources expert. Alan is the only staff person to ever be rescued from a tidal marsh by a Park Police helicopter.
Staff Bart Melton Working from Washington, D.C., Bart currently leads NPCA’s Wildlife Program, focusing on the critical issues facing national park wildlife across the country.
Scott Kirkwood
Park Bandelier National Monument On the slopes of the Jemez Mountains in New Mexico, this monument commemorates the rich cultural history of the American Southwest. Humans have inhabited the canyons and mesas of the Bandelier area for more than 10,000 years. The Ancestral Puebloan people inhabited the region for more than 400 years, and their homes, carved from the rock walls of the Frijoles Canyon, are the primary attraction of the monument. The Bandelier Museum exhibits Ancestral Puebloan artifacts and tells the story of the evolution of the culture. The park also offers 70 miles of rugged trails for hikers of different abilities.
Park Big Thicket National Preserve With its dense vegetation and diverse wildlife, Big Thicket is the perfect destination for the wild at heart. The preserve features an unusual mix of ecosystems spread across 15 park units in seven counties. Its diverse habitats, which range from sand hills to swamps, host a wide array of wildlife, including breeding grounds for many native animals, such as the American alligator, blue crab and roseate spoonbill.
Park Aniakchak National Monument & Preserve Aniakchak is the country’s least-visited national park site, seeing fewer than 300 tourists in a typical year. The monument is only accessible by a long journey of flying, boating and/or backpacking, and its rugged, difficult environment features foggy, rainy weather and a high concentration of bears and wolves. Those brave few who do venture down the Alaska Peninsula and into the monument are rewarded with a jaw-dropping six-mile-wide, 2,000-foot-deep volcanic caldera. Within this deep, ashy crater is Surprise Lake, source of the Aniakchak River, as well as Vent Mountain, a 2,200-foot-tall cone formed by a volcanic eruption in 1931.
Staff Julie Hogan Julie Hogan began her career at NPCA in the fall of 2015 as a senior gifts officer for the Development team. Currently, she is the Director of Foundation Relations.
Staff West Honeycutt As Senior Director of Development and Advancement, West Honeycutt leads NPCA's advancement efforts including planned giving, midlevel giving, donor relations, and the Educational Travel Program.