Search results for “Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site”
Park Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site honors the "Little Rock Nine," African American students who desegregated an Arkansas high school in 1957.
NPCA at Work Help Prevent Revolutionary War Sites from Crumbling into History America’s most treasured places face significant challenges, including insufficient funding to repair and maintain important pieces of our country’s past. We need Congress to increase funding for our national parks so that Revolutionary War sites and other parts of our shared history can be preserved for generations to come.
Park Boston National Historical Park See 350 years come to life in a city that shaped the history of America as a colony and an independent nation. Walk the 2.5-mile Freedom Trail to explore 16 historic sites in the heart of the city, including the site of the Boston Massacre, Paul Revere’s house, the Old North Church and the Bunker Hill Monument — all icons of the American Revolution. In addition, visitors can see the U.S.S. Constitution, one of the first ships in the U.S. Navy, commissioned by President George Washington in 1797.
Press Release Hundreds of People Voice Support for New National Park Commemorating Women's Equality Today’s public meeting part of ongoing process to establish new national park site
Blog Post The Park at the Heart of World Pride New York City’s Stonewall National Monument commemorates 50 years of history this week as NPCA and our supporters continue to explore preserving important sites in LGBTQ history.
Press Release President Obama Designates Three National Monuments in the California Desert Protecting spectacular and unique desert lands, President Obama designated three new national monuments today: Mojave Trails, Sand to Snow, and our country's 410th national park site, Castle Mountains National Monument.
Press Release Congressman Schiff Proposes to Expand Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, Preserve and Protect Culture, Wildlife and Waterways The Rim of the Valley Corridor Preservation Act would expand Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area to include critical waterways, landscapes, wildlife corridors and important cultural and historical sites.
Blog Post Help Preserve the Birthplace of the Modern LGBT Movement Join NPCA in the campaign to preserve Stonewall, birthplace of the modern LGBT movement, as the first LGBT-themed national park site.
Press Release New Dog Rule Refines Access, Protection for 2nd Most Visited National Park A decade in the making, the proposed dog rule for Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA) aims to balance resource protection with the many forms of recreation enjoyed at the 2nd most visited national park site.
Magazine Article Protecting the Homeland Former Principal Chief James Floyd of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation speaks about his connection to Ocmulgee Mounds National Historical Park and the need to further preserve the site.
Blog Post Get Your Binoculars: The 25 Best National Parks for Birding Find out which national park sites have the most bird species, with a highlight of what you might see at each place.
Magazine Article Fired Up Prescribed fires are standard practice at sprawling landscapes throughout the West, and now the fields and forests at historic sites have become the Park Service’s latest target.
Blog Post Youth Push for Pullman on Capitol Hill A diverse group of advocates helps lobby for Chicago's first national park site.
Blog Post Protecting Our History—and Growing Our Economy—in Orange County, Virginia Too often, efforts to protect historical sites end up pitting preservationists against landowners and developers, resulting in wasted time, wasted money, and hard feelings all around.
Blog Post What the Park System Needs for Its Birthday: Repairs This Sunday is the 103rd birthday of the National Park Service, yet so many of the 400-plus national park sites in the agency’s care need critical maintenance and repairs. Legislation exists that would help fix this problem — Congress just needs to vote on it.
Blog Post Park Service Releases Most-Visited National Park Data for 2012 Today, the National Park Service released its annual numbers on the most-visited sites throughout the park system in 2012. Though there aren't many surprises in this year's lists, it's always interesting to see some of the most popular parks in the country and how these numbers compare to previous years.
Blog Post One Step Closer to a Manhattan Project National Historical Park Advocates have been waiting more than a decade to create a national park that would preserve historic sites and artifacts involved in the development of nuclear energy and the making of the atomic bomb. Now, we could be remarkably close to seeing these once super-secret details and places in American history open and interpreted for the public.
Blog Post One Step Closer to Chicago’s First National Park Today, just days after the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day holiday, Congress is one step closer to preserving a Chicago site rich with Civil Rights and labor rights history by introducing legislation that would name the historic Pullman neighborhood as the city’s first national park.
Press Release Utah Gateway Community Forum Website Goes Live Interactive site allows for ongoing collaboration between community leaders and public land managers
Press Release Results of LGBT Theme Study Points to More Inclusive Future for America’s National Parks New National Park Service theme study identifies many nationally significant LGBT stories and sites.
Blog Post The Easternmost National Park Determining which national park site is the farthest east is surprisingly complicated.
Press Release Congressman Schiff, Senator Feinstein Announce Legislation to Expand Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area The Rim of the Valley Corridor Preservation Act, introduced by Representative Adam Schiff and Senator Dianne Feinstein, would expand the boundary of Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area to include sites ranging from Griffith Park to the Santa Clarita Valley.
Blog Post Where the Rainbow Flag Began This highly visible symbol of pride arose from an idea of hope and power more than 40 years ago at a site that could be worthy of national recognition.
Press Release Birmingham Civil Rights National Monument Will Preserve Pivotal Civil Rights History Newly designated national park site represents a critical chapter in America’s civil rights story
Press Release National Parks Group Applauds Recommendations to Expand, Greater Protect Santa Monica Mountains NPCA supports the final "Rim of the Valley" proposal by the National Park Service, which could add 170,000 acres of important waterways, historic and cultural sites, and open spaces to Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area.
Press Release Tens of thousands of orphaned oil wells plague national parks New analysis finds 31,737 abandoned orphan oil and gas wells located near national park sites, polluting the air and groundwater within parks and nearby communities
Magazine Article Revolution Revisited The quest to create a national park site about the Black Panther Party.
Press Release BLM Postpones Lease Sale Near Chaco Culture National Historical Park BLM to conduct additional review of energy development’s potential impacts on cultural site
Press Release BLM Moves Forward With Oil, Gas Lease Sales, Threatens Nearby Southwest National Parks Oil, gas sales scheduled to occur Near Utah, New Mexico park sites.
Blog Post Trivia Challenge: The Longest National Park Name Q: The national park with the largest acreage is the Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve in Alaska, but do you know which national park site has the longest name?
NPCA at Work Stand Up to Polluters at Indiana Dunes EPA must enforce the Clean Water Act to protect this national park site from toxic chemicals.
Blog Post Saturday on the Green Looking for a new adventure in the New Year? A first-time visitor to First State National Monument shares stories and tips for Delaware’s new—and only—national park site.
Magazine Article Drilling in National Parks? Oil and gas development already is harming dozens of national park sites around the country. It could get much worse.
Blog Post The Power of Protest These 7 sites honor the long history of Americans fighting for their civil rights.
Staff and Media Personnel Katie Taylor Katie works on a variety of NPCA's issue areas to increase media coverage and understanding around our national parks and their preservation. They enjoy working on environmental justice issues, particularly climate change and expanding cultural and heritage national park sites across the U.S.
Park Catoctin Mountain Park Visitors to Catoctin Mountain Park find streams replete with native trout; forests of maple, hickory, ash, oak and cherry trees; and air alive with the sounds of birds, chipmunks and other wildlife. The park’s beauty is a triumph of nature’s ability to heal: the area was devastated by logging and agriculture during the 18th and 19th centuries. Catoctin Mountain is also the site of the presidential retreat, Camp David.
Park Aniakchak National Monument & Preserve Aniakchak is the country’s least-visited national park site, seeing fewer than 300 tourists in a typical year. The monument is only accessible by a long journey of flying, boating and/or backpacking, and its rugged, difficult environment features foggy, rainy weather and a high concentration of bears and wolves. Those brave few who do venture down the Alaska Peninsula and into the monument are rewarded with a jaw-dropping six-mile-wide, 2,000-foot-deep volcanic caldera. Within this deep, ashy crater is Surprise Lake, source of the Aniakchak River, as well as Vent Mountain, a 2,200-foot-tall cone formed by a volcanic eruption in 1931.
Park Chickamauga And Chattanooga National Military Park This site is the nation’s oldest and largest military park. Among towering oaks, more than 600 monuments and markers invite visitors to pause and reflect on the costly battles waged here over the course of several months in 1863. Union and Confederate forces fought here for control of Chattanooga and, ultimately, nearly all of Tennessee; though Confederates claimed an initial victory at Chickamauga, Federal forces eventually overtook Confederate troops and pushed them back into Georgia. In addition to the cannons, monuments and markers, the park’s historic cabins, living history program and extensive museum collection allow visitors to gain a deeper understanding of the events that took place here more than 150 years ago.
Fact Sheet Protecting the Star-Spangled Banner National Historic Trail Established by Congress in 2008, the Star-Spangled Banner National Historical Trail is a 560-mile long land and water route which connects historic sites throughout Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia.
Fact Sheet Background on the Antiquities Act The Antiquities Act of 1906 is one of the most important tools available for the preservation of public, federal lands and historical sites for all Americans to enjoy.
Letter Support the Antiquities Act and Oppose H.R 1459 Support the Antiquities Act and oppose H.R 1459, which would undermine presidential authority under the Antiquities Act to act swiftly to protect iconic historical, cultural, and natural sites that are the fabric of who we are as Americans.
NPCA at Work Commercial Spaceports Could Threaten Canaveral and Cumberland Island The commercial space industry is an exciting and growing field. But the race for space should not put our national seashores at risk.
Staff Timothy Leonard Timothy is program manager of NPCA’s northeast outreach and engagement initiatives.
Staff Cassidy Jones Born and raised in Utah, Cassidy comes to NPCA with an inborn interest in parks, public lands, and political-cultural conflict.
Report Protecting Our Chesapeake, Protecting Our National Parks The Chesapeake Bay watershed is home to more than 50 national park units. Shenandoah National Park in Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains, Gettysburg National Military Park in Pennsylvania, and the C&O Canal National Historical Park along the Potomac River are just a few of the parks that share this common bond. Their streams and rivers, along with many others in the expansive watershed, ultimately flow into the Chesapeake Bay, which is recognized as one of America’s Great Waters.
Report National Parks Second Century Commission Report Our vision of the National Park Service and of the national parks in American life is animated by the conviction that their work is of the highest public importance. They are community-builders, creating an enlightened society committed to a sustainable world.
NPCA at Work Keep the Great Lakes Great: Support Restoration Funding in the Midwest Since 2010, a federal program known as the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative has funded a variety of projects to help water quality, wildlife habitat and a range of other issues. Congress could slash this funding — a move that could reverse years of progress for the region’s 13 national parks.
Victory Court Ruling Saves Greater Yellowstone Grizzly Bears Judge's ruling overturns Trump administration decision to remove endangered species protections from grizzly bears in the Yellowstone and Grand Teton region.